About Paul
Paul and a friend once found a cat frozen, in mid-step. When they returned to the cat, dragging an adult along—“Come see the cat!”—it had mysteriously disappeared.
Paul Cheevers (aka, p.m. cheevers) is a meditation teacher, podcaster, author, and co-founder of South Shore Insight Meditation Center, in the Buddhist Vipassana Insight tradition. He can be heard around the world on The Mindfuling Podcast and is the author of Mindfuling...DIY, a book and vinyl recording about Buddhism and the Eightfold Path as told through personal experience and poetry.
Paul had his first experience with formal silent meditation at a Catholic retreat in the 1980s. Since then he has practiced in Zen and Theravada traditions and trained at Spirit Rock in Woodacre, CA and Cambridge Insight Meditation Center in Cambridge, MA. A two-month silent retreat traveling alone in India was a Dhamma-refining experience.
The clarity of the full Eightfold Path — wise view, wise intention, wise speech, wise action, wise livelihood, wise effort, wise mindfulness, and wise concentration — not the slice we call mindfulness separated from the others, is a special focus for Paul. He especially loves sharing its relationship to the body, through yoga.
Paul grew up in Brighton, Massachusetts and lived and worked in Manhattan, NYC, Ann Arbor, MI, and Boston, MA. He has a BA from Boston College and a Master’s from the New York University Tisch.
Today Paul lives on Boston’s South Shore where his teaching is focused, and through AWAKEwax.com, where you can find diverse related artistic doings. When not teaching, writing, and recording he enjoys nature and playing with stained glass and encaustic paint.

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